Note: If there are astrological terms that you do not understand consult my glossary.
The question
An acquaintance of mine, at the moment of buying a new flat, received the suggestion of modifying the home making it more airy and luminous but, in some respects, maybe less comfortable.
So he asked me if it was a good idea doing these changes.
I obtained this chart:
The solution
We have the home represented by Jupiter lord of the 4th house.
Jupiter is in Virgo, a sign suggesting cure for details, many subdivisions, but that is also the exile of Jupiter, so it seems that the house can’t express its potential because of this fragmented organization.
Venus, lady of the 7th house (the enterprise doing the work) exalts Jupiter and is applying to him by sextile, an armonious aspect, so we can suppose that the work would be positive for the home.
As if this isn’t enough even Sun is in Cancer, Jupiter’s exaltation: the Sun, or however the light in general, is very good for the flat.
Venus is combust, in theory this is a very bad thing for the firm, but since both are exalting the home and in any case Venus is going outside the combustion, there aren’t real reasons of concern.
In sum the work was advisable and brought full satisfaction of the occupants.
- The Cat